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Help remember your loved one with a thoughtful memorial, honoring the story of their life and family, as well as obtain details on their funeral arrangements. Click below to view our obituary listing.

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a house that has a sign on the side of a building

Hutchinson’s Trusted Funeral & Cremation Provider

"Old Mission-Heritage's historic location has served the Hutchinson area since 1908. Understanding each family has different needs, we create meaningful funeral and cremation services with dignity, respect and professionalism." — Assistant Funeral Director Robert Morris

Of the many arrangements made after losing a loved one, the first is the selection of a funeral home. Our staff can help create a beautiful tribute and provide guidance and suggestions on the many decisions made when planning a funeral, cremation, memorial, celebration of life, and/or burial service.

We take pride in meeting the specific, and sometimes unique, needs of each and every family. Please use our website to learn about the funeral, cremation and permanent memorialization services we offer, as well as our pre-planning and grief support resources.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at anytime. We are here to help you!

Plan Ahead

Advanced planning is a thoughtful and considerate act that your loved ones will truly appreciate when the time comes.

Customized Tributes

Customizing the service for your loved one allows you to truly honor their memory with unique and personalized details.